
Το εμφύτευμα Naturactis χάρη στον σχεδιασμό και την κατασκευή του αποτελεί πραγματικά ένα μοναδικό εμφύτευμα. Λειτουργεί σε πολλές κλινικές περιπτώσεις, σε μαλακό οστό, σε σκληρό οστό στην αισθητική ζώνη και αποτελεί την ιδανική επιλογή για απαιτητικές ενδείξεις και πρωτόκολλα, όπως η άμεση εμφύτευση και η άμεση φόρτιση.
Παρέχει εξαιρετικά υψηλή αρχικη σταθερότητα η οποία οφείλεται στο διπλό ασύμμετρο σπείρωμα του καθώς και στο πρωτοποριακό σχεδιασμό του ακρορριζιου (deep blade design apex). Το εμφύτευμα Naturactis τοποθετείται υπο οστικά (sub-crestal position) για το καλύτερη δυνατό αισθητικό αποτέλεσμα.



• Post-extraction surgeries.
• Immediate loading.
• Particularly suitable for areas of low bone density.

• Reduced format: increased space in the sterile field and the autoclave.
• Perfect readability of drillings sequences::
– presentation of the instruments in order of use,
– arrow markings,
– colour coding of plugs according to the diameter of implants to be placed.

 Tilting for better visibility of instruments during surgery.


This kit includes all the instruments necessary for carrying out the surgical protocol and for the management of all bone densities for all lengths and all diameters of Naturactis and Naturall+ implants.


This simplified kit includes a selection of instruments necessary to place Naturactis implants of 6 to 14 mm in length.

Internal hexagonal conical connection

  • Better sealing of the restoration.
  • Stability of the implant/component assembly.
  • Precision orientation of prosthetic elements.

Compatible connection 

  • Streamlining of stocks of prosthetic components for simplified component management.

The same connection for all implant diameters

  • The choice of gingival platform does not depend on the choice of implant diameter.

A single prosthetic range and 4 prosthetic platforms.

  • To simplify your treatment plan and facilitate your surgeries and prosthetic constructions.
  • For better appreciation of the aesthetic repair.
  • Emergence switching.
  • Microthread synchronous with macrothread to avoid tearing cortical bone.
  • Stabilises the cortical bone.
  • Optimised primary stability.
  • Higher resistance to axial load.
  • Less shear stress constraint at bone / implant interface.
  • Homogeneous distribution of masticatory forces.
  • Excellent primary stability immediately after implant fitting.
  • Decreased heating of the bone and insertion time.
  • Contact surface with bone tissue increased by 15%.
  • Promotes osteogenesis.
  • Activates cellular reconstruction.

Slight reversed coning at rim for implanting in narrow ridges

  • Less pressure on cortical bone: the implant body acts like an osteotome.
  • Easier placing of implant even in the case of under-drilling.

Implant body has cylindro-conical shape

  • Optimized implanting close to divergent roots.
  • Optimised primary stability.
  • Limited apical compression.
  • Ideal for situations requiring extraction – implantation.
  • Better control of required insertion axis.
  • Threading is blade-shaped from the tip, giving the implant a high self-tapping capacity.
  • Titanium oxide micro-sandblasting.
  • Etching with nitric and hydrofluoric acids.
  • 23 years of clinical experience.
  • Time saving during surgery.
  • Faciliates visibility of placement level.
  • Allows for gingival height.
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